
Across the country there is growing recognition that our electric grid needs to be modernized and expanded. Recent studies describe the wide-ranging benefits of investing in the electric grid, as well as the costs of under investment. To support our mission to develop America’s next-generation energy infrastructure, Grid United regularly participates in policy discussions and regulatory proceedings.

See below for the latest news on Grid United, recent and useful industry studies, videos on the electric grid, and company regulatory filings.


  • News
September 2024
Michael Skelly’s last transmission company failed. But has the US finally caught up with his vision?


Grid 101

Intertie (1969)

Bonneville Power Association

“Intertie” showcases the construction of the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Direct Current Intertie, a high-voltage electric superhighway between the Northwest and Southwest that helps balance power needs in the West and allows the two regions to share surplus electricity. It was the largest single transmission program ever undertaken in the United States. Construction began in the 1960s through a cooperative effort between public and private utilities in the Pacific Northwest and California. The 3,100-megawatt combined AC and DC transmission system was completed in 1970.

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Building America’s Next Generation Infrastructure to Power Our Future

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