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Alex Williams

Alex Williams

Project Manager, Development

Alex Williams is a Project Manager at Grid United, where she oversees the Wyoming Intertie transmission project. She manages the project budget and schedule, ensuring it remains on track. In collaboration with the Wyoming Community Foundation, Alex administers the Wyoming Intertie Community Investment Program, which provides grants to local nonprofits and public organizations serving the counties that will host the project. Her primary focus is to keep the project well-organized and foster responsible development while prioritizing the interests and needs of local communities.

Alex earned her MBA from the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University and has been a certified Project Management Professional since 2017. She also holds a B.A. in anthropology and archaeology from the University of Southern California, where she developed a strong foundation in stakeholder management, cultural insight, and pattern recognition. These skills allow her to navigate complex projects, build meaningful relationships, and identify key trends and solutions in her day-to-day work.